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פורום פסיכולוגיה

  • נכתב ע"י Sophie ב - 05/04/2021 04:02:14

    I’m 27, pregnant with some mental health struggles, so I decided to try therapy again (I tried in the past and it was very traumatic..). I suffer from anxiety as long as I can remember, social situations was always a confusing thing for me (understand the roles of conversation and reading social situations) so by the time I joined school I developed social anxiety, I always struggled with control (I have the urge to control everything aspect of my life.. of course I understand that it’s impossible) which course me to develop an eating disorder (10 years I’m struggling with bulimia) and depression.
    Before my therapist said that she thinks that I’m on the autism spectrum I suspected this myself but always dismissed that (with the explanation of ADHD, social anxiety and HSP). I’m not sure that I do have ASD and if I do it will not affect me more then it already did but my concern is for my baby... what if she will have the same problems as did and do? How can I teach her how to navigate though life if I myself struggling with the same thing. I’m luck to have an understanding husband that accepts me the way I am knowing this world how can I guarantee that she will have the same for her?

    תשובה: My therapist thinks I might be autistic
    נכתב ע"י ליטל פלג ב - 05/04/2021 12:26:01

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